Our cradles are made mainly from pine, beech and oak, but we are able to satisfy even the most demanding customer. At your request we are able to make a cradle of birch, maple, ash, but also from the trees of North America.
Wood types

Properties of wood:
According to a simple classification the wood is divided into soft and hard. Hornbeam, ebony, Canadian maple, beech, oak and ash belong to the hardest ones. The opposite are spruce, pine or birch, which are the softest ones. Hardness is determined by the density of wood. Density is the ratio between mass and volume. Wood material is composed of pores and walls that surround it. The density of pores and walls is also affected by the environment, in which the tree grows.
Why choose pine?
Pine wood has always been attributed to the healing ability. Oil gained from this wood is used for inhalation. The wood is relatively soft, solid and very flexible; its structure is strong. The color of the core is orange and brown.
Why choose beech?
Beech wood is hard, not very flexible, but very solid. It can have a range of shades, from pale cream, to a dark brown. The wood has a weak structure. It perfectly suits this type of product.
Why choose oak?
Since the ancient times, oak wood has been one of the most sought after. It has a strong structure. This wood has an evenly brown colored core. Oak wood is hard, strong and long-lasting.